Wheelock's FAQ chapter 34

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Wheelock's FAQ chapter 34: Questions

Questions are listed at the top of the page and are divided into several categories. Click on the links at left and you will be taken to the question and corresponding answer below.
Category: Practice/Repetition sentences (PR's)
In WH chapt 34, PR 16 there is the phrase "we would not have dared to put the weapons on the ships." I used 'arma in naves' [acc. pl] >but most other folks used abl. pl. 'in' with acc. seems to me to = >into, hence my choice of acc. comments, please.

Wheelock's FAQ chapter 34: Answers

Category: Practice/Repetition sentences (PR's)
In WH chapt 34, PR 16 there is the phrase "we would not have dared to put the weapons on the ships." I used 'arma in naves' [acc. pl] >but most other folks used abl. pl. 'in' with acc. seems to me to = >into, hence my choice of acc. comments, please.
Accusative of Limit of Motion isn't really something you can use with
"put", not easily anyhow. It would put the emphasis on the motion,
on the movement of the weapons from somewhere else to the ships.

Last updated Thu Nov 13 17:14:07 GMT 2003

FAQ ©2003 by its creator Gary Bisaga and Meredith Minter Dixon. Copyright to FAQ answers is retained by their authors.