Collation Example

The following is an example of a collation for Wheelock's Latin, trimmed to just three contributors and a handful of exercises.  Note that the answers often have the same general sense, but do not necessarily use the same words or word ordering.  Some answers are more correct than others and some answers are wrong, but there is seldom just one correct answer.

PR 3 ..  rex et rEgIna igitur nOn audEbunt ibi remanEre.
PR 3 BMJ The king and queen, therefore, will not dare to remain there.
PR 3 CFB Therefore the king and queen will not dare to remain there.
PR 3 DDD The king and queen, therefore, will not dare to remain there.

PR 5 ..  quandO hominEs satis virtUtis semper habent?
PR 5 BMJ When do men always have enough (of) virtue?
PR 5 CFB When do men always have enough virtue?
PR 5 DDD When do men always have enough courage?

PR 7 ..  propter mOrEs hUmAnOs pAcem vEram nOn habEbimus.
PR 7 BMJ On account of human character, true peace we will not have.
PR 7 CFB On account of human nature we will not have true peace.
PR 7 DDD Because of human character we will not have true peace.

PR 11 ..  Without sound character we cannot have peace.
PR 11 BMJ Sine moribus sanis pacem non habere possumus.
PR 11 CFB Sine sanis moribus pacem non poterimus habere.
PR 11 DDD sine mOribus sAnIs pAcem habEre nOn possumus.

SA 1 ..  homO sum.
SA 1 BMJ I am a human.
SA 1 CFB I am a man.
SA 1 DDD I am a man.

SA 2 ..  nihil sub sOle novum.
SA 2 BMJ Nothing under the sun (is) new.
SA 2 CFB Nothing new under the sun.
SA 2 DDD There is nothing new under the sun.

SA 3 ..  carmina nova virginibus puerIsque nunc cantO.
SA 3 BMJ New songs about maidens and boys I now sing.
SA 3 CFB Now I sing new songs to maidens and boys.
SA 3 DDD Now I am singing new songs to the maidens and boys.

SA 5 ..  bonI propter amOrem virtUtis peccAre OdErunt.
SA 5 BMJ Good men, on account of love of virtue, hate to sin.
SA 5 CFB On account of love of virtue, good people will hate to sin.
SA 5 DDD Good (men) hate to sin because of a love of virtue.

SA 9 ..  otium sine litterIs mors est.
SA 9 BMJ Free time without literature is death.
SA 9 CFB Leisure without letters is death.
SA 9 DDD Leisure without literature is death.